Those bits that affect just under 1% of pregnancies that no one really talks about....

Those bits that affect just under 1% of pregnancies that no one really talks about....

We have all heard of a placenta but many have never heard about the condition PLACENTA PREVIA. It may sound like a horrible breakfast cereal but to those pregnancies which it affects its an awful reality.

It occurs when a baby's placenta partially or totally covers the mother's cervix — the outlet for the uterus. Placenta previa can cause severe bleeding during pregnancy and delivery. If you have placenta previa, you might bleed throughout your pregnancy and during your delivery. With it afffecting approximately 0.5% of pregnancies, it is the most common cause of bleeding in the third trimester.


So you may ask why is this a problem in a pregnancy? Well as the cervix thins and dialates- (getting ready for labour) and the placenta is attached the blood vessels tear and result in bleeding. The lower uterus is less able to contract and restrict (stop) the bleeding in this area resulting in uncontrolled bleeding.

The advanced age of a mother, a smoker or multiple babies are the main risk factors for this to occur. But also a woman who has had multiple pregnancies, a previous previa, previous uterine or cervical surgery or a cocaine user.

With Placenta Previa there are three catergories: marginal, partial or complete. Most diagnosed in the second trimester resolve themselves especially if they are not major. (84% complete and 98% of marginal will have resolved by 28 weeks).

Most woman diagnosed with this will endure an ultrasound with some getting put on bed rest ,for extreme cases, or Pelvic Rest (NO hanky panky). The biggest risk comes from the onset of labour. Many with moderate to severe previa will have to undergo a routine cesarean also if there is blood loss, foetal distress or evidence for preterm labour. 

So Placenta Previa is no walk in the park and there is no direct correlation between anything in particular-some pregnancies it just happens even if you didn't have it previously.

Help...Antenatal classes online

Help...Antenatal classes online

Many pregnant Mums are facing the news that their antenatal classes have been cancelled at their delivery hospital. If you are a first time Mum or a Mum with a large gap in between these classes offer a great base. They give pregnant Mums an information bank on what to expect in delivery, options for birth, bathing, sleeping, changing nappies and a whole heap of practical tips and tricks when navigating the birth, delivery and early few days.

Many hospitals and birthing rooms have had to cancel these for the near future due to CON-VID19. Not having this access can increase the anxiety, fear etc for the expecting Mum.


We have done a bit of a run around and here are some paid/unpaid courses that we have found:

 Nourish $100 for Guide to healthy pregnancy, Guide to positive labour and feeding success. There are other options.
Hypnobirthing Australia $499 for 3 hour private session. $199 online course
Baby Centre FREE and has 7 chapter modules
About Birth $85 6 months unlimited access. 55 individual videos, 14 resource downloads.
Mama Lee Midwife $129 for 6 week membership- 4 classes on labour, packing a bag etc
Birth Beat $397 for 12 months access to 9 modules