It Takes A Village To Raise A Child....
Mums themselves need a village to help them overcome the joys, tears and frustrations of motherhood. It is sometimes other Mums going through the breastfeeding struggles or the lack of sleep from the teething child or the knowing acknowledgement of the temper tantrums that are constantly rearing their ugly heads.

Sometimes in those early days and months the mother just needs to know they are not alone, to have their confidence in their ability (and what they are doing) reassured or to share a extra large hot mug of coffee.

Recently in the UK Jennie from Snowdrops was featured in the manchester evening news for the simple and beautiful gesture that they did for Mums. Hundreds of inspiring notes have been left for Mums doing the school run ahead of Mother's Day. They've also been shared around cafes, shops and gyms in the town, with the aim of giving mums a boost and acknowledging what they do.

’In your child's eyes, you are super mum': Mothers find inspiring notes on the school run

This gesture is sometimes all Mums need to see or read to help them get through the struggles. Mother groups are a great place to support Mums as they cope with the newborn days, the early struggles of breastfeeding and so much more. The friendships and bonds formed in these groups can be life long though social media platforms now can offer a place for Mums to receive the village support needed to help raise our kids.

Maybe we all need to get on the bandwagon to provide a simple gesture to other Mums around us?
May 17, 2019 — Joanne Shepherd

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